
Monica Macnamara is a leading specialist in the field of Motor and Sensory Difficulties, e.g. Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)/ Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) in Ireland. Monica is a qualified Occupational Therapist (Dip COT) with a Diploma in Basic Education.

She has undertaken a Degree Module in ‘Specific Learning Difficulties’ at the Dyscovery Centre, Cardiff and University of Worchester. She is a qualified Assessor with the National Accreditation Committee, Irish national training and Education Authority. Most importantly Monica’s daughter, now an adult doing a degree, has Dyspraxia so Monica is acutely aware of the numerous difficulties, frustrations and lack of confidence that people with Dyspraxia/DCD experience and the worry and helplessness felt by parents along the way.

Monica says “I have learnt so much about Dyspraxia from my daughter, not only about the feelings of frustration and inadequacy that it brings but also the incredible bravery, determination and humanity that she has developed in coping with it”

The entire focus of Monica’s professional practice is the Assessment and Support of people who have Dyspraxia/DCD. Monica is actively involved in the training and support of Parents, Teachers and Specialists in this field.

Monica has presented papers at National and International conferences on Dyspraxia/DCD. In 2005 because of her increasing awareness of the importance of early intervention, she developed and launched the STEER Screening Test and Support Pack for Specific Learning Difficulties to facilitate early identification of Dyspraxia/DCD in schools.


Monica Macnamara:

Monica has been working in the field of Specific Learning Difficulty for 20 years. A Mum and an Occupational Therapist by profession, Monica has personal as well as professional experience to share.


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"Monica assessed my 10 year-old daughter for issues around dyspraxia. She was very kind to my daughter while we were there, and was able to get lots of useful information from the assessment session as a direct result. As a parent, I found Monica's feedback to be very detailed and useful, her reporting was very specific and thorough. I would recommend her to a friend, indeed I already have, a number of times!"

Mother of Primary School pupil, Dublin

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